~ am pursuing an outdoor recreation leadership degree(AA degree and completed) and also beginning my journey into the world of outdoor survival.
When I am not experiencing nature I can be mostly be found curled up with a good book or drawing. Otherwise, I enjoy studying ancient cultures, philosophy, physics, languages, and mythology (specifically in stargate). I always have my headphones in watching sci-fi or listening to classical, indie or rock music.
Random tidbits
__ deep
space ____
we explore ___that
might be the most
important things
to understand
humans it
__ the
Unknown that defines
~ Bejamin Sisko
In that might be the most important thing to understand about me. It is the unknown that defines my existence.
I am constantly searching to try to understand the forces of daily life!
Not just for answers to my own questions, but for new questions. This defines my existence.
I am an explorer.